
Awesome Parallax Scrolling Websites


Parallax scrolling is a special scrolling technique in computer graphics, wherein background images move by the camera slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth in a 2D video game and adding to the immersion.The technique grew out of the multiplane camera technique used in traditional animation since the 1940s, which is becoming a trend in the web designs, these days.


1. Dylan Baskind

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

2. Guilhermegarcia

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

3. David Wadach

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

4. Brand Berry

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

5. Zeitgeistbot

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

6. Marlene Portfolio

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

7. Ludwings

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

8. Pixel Baecker

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

9. Grab & Go

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

10. Neotokio

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

11. Cymetriq

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

12. Intac to 10 Years

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

13. Soup

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

14. We Run Mexico

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

15. Pioneer

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

16. Half Circle

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

17. Loyeti

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

18. Illustion Tank

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

19. Ahsx

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

20. Paretria

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

21. Slavery Foot Print

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

22. Mcube

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

23. Rtraction

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

24. Swetha Portfolio

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

25. Besser Leben Mit Lehm

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

26. Interaktiva Online

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

27. Shelton Fleming

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites

28. Werbeagentur Kopfnuss

Awesome Parallax Scroll Websites


56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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