
Awesome Illustrations by Pablo Lobato


Pablo Lobato is a graphic designer and illustrator from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pablo was born in Trelew, Patagonia Argentina in 1970. Not being very good in sports, he spent long hours drawing superheroes and medieval knights, and not to play football, as his friends. In 1982, he drew his first portrait, illustration Cesar Luis Menotti, the coach of National football team at the moment. Everything seems like Pablo decided that it was his thing. But he did not want to be an artist he admired Uderzo, not Cezanne, art was too much, but the figure may be a good choice to keep on bringing in a while to pay the bills. He was wrong. He found that after 5 years of study at the University of La Plata and 5 years of experience in editorial design. He got bored and decided to give one more chance to his true love: portraits. He was lucky to find a great rep: Anna Goodson, and all rolled. He works in Rolling Stone, Texas Monthly, TV Guide, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Time, New York Daily News, People En Espanol, etc. Pablo still drawing his friends, not play football anymore.

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato

Pablo Lobato


56 pixels

Anand is a web designer and developer with a passion for interaction design. He is the founder of 56 Pixels, who has got more than 5 years of experience in the field of print and web.

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